Five Quality Bike Frame Bags
and Our Favorite from Lone Peak Packs

This review of front triangle frame packs (sometimes referred to as gas tanks) covers designs which may or may not interfere with access to your water bottle holder on down tube. The reason I say that the frame packs discussed here "might" hinder your ability to use the water bottle cage on the downtube depends on how large your bike frame is and or whether you can adjust the water bottle cage up or down on the frame mounts as shown in left photo. The water bottle holder in photo is of an unknown manufacturer that I have had for several years. I have been looking for a similar design to share here for use with selecting a front triangle frame pack for your bikes. Because I was able to slide the bottle cage down on the frame mounts it allows for easy access with a frame pack. If anyone knows of where one can be purchased please share that information in the comments below.

Some design features folks have complained about are the mounting straps not being made of velcro and having difficulty threading the two straps for mounting to down tube. On the right side of the bag is a full length zipper with rain flap cover and the left side has a much smaller zippered pocket. Jandd's frame pack would be a good fit on a larger frame such as 58 cm or more without interfering with water bottle mounts. Of course this also depends on what size of water bottle but even on a fifty six centimeter frame an adjustable bottle holder is a good idea.

Click on links or photos for more information and to check out their absolutely best price point.

All the frame bags with the exception of the Skinz model can be purchased for under forty bucks. Click on any link or photo for information or to purchase.
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