Epic Wipes Massive Towel Review

Ah yes, it's not that I'm a habitual slob that doesn't consider hygiene basics while camping and traveling but I do tend to blow off some of the niceties and Lisa is good at reminding me to be a bit more self considerate, particularly when we share a tent.
Basic hygiene while bicycle touring or bike packing is a somewhat popular topic and varies greatly by individual preferences, needs or habits. Some folks insist on having a fresh pair of bike shorts each day, another fella insists on getting ten to twelve days out of the same pair of riding shorts but then again some folks don't bother with brushing their teeth either.
Baby wipes and sanitary wipes are a popular option with many outdoor enthusiasts but many of parabens and sulfates are toxic, harsh and tend to dry out a lot of folks skin. Some folks make their own body wipes or sponge bath concoctions that meet their personal skin or allergy sensitivities. I have found many such methods to me too bulky and heavy or tedious to bother with.

- Naturally scented
- Eucalyptus Essential Oil
- Biodegradable
- 100% bamboo fiber
- Paraben and toxin free
For more information about epic wipes and get your hands on their awesome product use any of the links provided or click on photo below.