Import and Edit RAW Photos while Bike Touring
When I noticed that some of the photos created by the twenty megapixel camera created file sizes exceeding seven megabytes I reconsidered a previous decision to only shoot high quality jpegs for travel. Not only because many of the RAW files created by my twelve megapixel Canon G16 often push toward nine megabytes but due to the hassle of trying to import RAW images for editing as the camera's built in wifi feature doesn't support RAW file sending to a device. While bike camping or bike touring this is of no issue as I prefer to connect a USB Host Dongle or OTG cable for connecting the camera to phone or tablet. Although there are several photo editing apps which support RAW file viewing and editing the problem still remained how to move the pictures from the camera to a device for editing.
Earlier this year I made a modest purchase of an RCA Voyager Pro Tablet which cost less than a hundred bucks but has an excellent processor. A seven inch tablet with built in keyboard at that price it was worth it just to experiment with some various photo editing apps. It has proven to perform reliably and efficiently enough for many of my most basic photo editing needs which included installing Adobe Lightroom for editing and Snapseed for RAW files, a simple image resizing and watermarking app for blog and site photos and Flickr for photo storage and sharing. As most photo buffs are aware Flikr does not support RAW file photo storage and converts to jpeg by default. I was beginning to wonder if I would have no choice but to pack my bulkier more expensive laptop if I really wanted to shoot and edit high quality images and then decided it wasn't an option.

Then I found the answer to most all of my limiting options in Photo Mate R3. Available at the play store for less than ten bucks and worth every penny as it resizes to custom settings with or without adding a watermark and works with Adobe Lightroom. Best of all? It supports RAW file import from my camera via the camera's USB cable attached to the previously mentioned OTG cable. Photo above is a cropped screenshot of the left hand side of the apps screen for exporting, sharing and saving files while providing TIFF and PNG options. Thanks to the good folks at dpreviews for providing the information about this very efficient work flow app.
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