Lots of folks came to help us move the refrigerators, freezers and other large heavy items. With the need to continue operating our already established business we also needed to remodel, build shelves and pretty much just keep from feeling overwhelmed by all the work necessary for a smooth transition to our new location. It was at that time a Warm Showers member needed a place to stay to ride out the forecasted storm.
Aaron arrived on his fully loaded touring bike and had obviously been bicycle touring for awhile. He explained he only needed a place to stay for two or three nights until the cold front with intense wind and rains passed. After seeing all the projects we were working on he was eager to help and glad to pitch in. His experience working an organic farm in Michigan provided him with knowledge and experience which perfectly suited Lisa's need for help with harvesting at local farms and other customer service activities. Aaron's help allowed me to concentrate my efforts on getting the new store ready to move into and rather than staying two or three nights as he'd intended he was enjoying the work and meeting the folks here so much he stayed for almost two months. His timing was perfect and his help will always be remembered and greatly appreciated. Visit Aaron Kabodian's Blog.
Shout Out to our Readers for helping support our efforts
Be sure to visit Natural Living Country Store for more information.