As a way of displaying my love and support of the Natural Living Country Store and knowing Lisa would have her very popular home made chocolate ready for the store's Friday market (which was on the same day as Valentine's), I wanted to get as much of the store addition ready as possible.
A steel frame carport with metal roofing material was delivered a day early on Monday rather than Tuesday which helped me to get started on the project sooner as we were expected to have cold temperatures, high winds and lots of rain during the week. That is probably why the guys delivered the stuff a day early without calling because they wanted to duck the weather, so it worked out very well.
Inclement weather has a way of slowing things down, whether driving, riding a bike or in this instance a small construction project. As most avid bicycle touring or bike commuting folks would agree, the best way to handle the situation is by taking one's time and work it out at a safe and steady pace.

Although this was only a 220 square foot addition it has added a very pleasant atmosphere in which to prep our store's market. Better flow and simplified method of getting our organic products to our customers.
As soon as I started on the project the weather turned to wet, cold, windy and made it difficult to work as the wind was blowing the large pieces of lattice and screen as I tried to cut it.
Lisa put her coat on and came to help hold the lattice so I could get some of the pieces in place and call it a night. The next day I was able to finish our store project without too much hassle from the weather. Checking the forecast I was able to work around most of the passing storms by waking up at five in the morning which provided the added benefit of getting some time on the bike to work out frustrations. Found some new trails to ride Lisa brought the camera along for some very nice photos. All in all we had a very nice Valentine's weekend. Cheers! For more information on what Natural Living Country Store does for the community and other assorted organic products visit shopnaturalliving.com for more information |