Often used to haul water for a few months by placing a rubber mat on the bottom to cover the steel grating so that the seven gallon plastic container wouldn't slide around while riding. Nashbar's optional cargo net worked very well to hold the water container in place. I am not recommending that the trailer be regularly pushed beyond the 40lb. weight rating, I'm simply sharing this information for others buying decisions as some reviewers have claimed the welds break. Well, I haven't had that happen with mine and I have routinely placed 50 to 60 lbs.in it without a problem. | I have had a Nashbar cargo trailer for several years and have been very pleased with its performance. Using this trailer to serve a variety of cargo carrying needs of bicycle touring and commuting. For use with food delivery, touring and camping to stacking wood pallets on it. The latter is not recommended, I had put a small dent on top of the fender from the weight of the pallets and definitely put more than the 40 lbs. capacity the trailer is rated at. I have been having fun with this little trailer and several years ago made signs to advertise my bike repair business. Worked well parked at the grocery store and served as a nice conversation piece with many complements from folks. The first photo shows this trailer filled with organic produce and other items when I used it for making food deliveries for our local organic food co-op. This trailer performs best for the original use I had intended it for, which is bike touring and camping. I have a waterproof roll top velcro bag that fits snug when packed for overnight trips and with the cargo net stretched over the bag it rides very nice. The trick is to pack the weight in the trailer for the lowest center of gravity and placing the heavier items in the center for wheel tracking. A common issue folks complain about when getting a single wheel trailer is while connecting and disconnecting the trailer to and from the bike. It's a nuisance to hold the bike upright or laying the bike down while trying to connect a loaded trailer. If your'e building a touring bike or for bike commuting I recommend the Pletscher two legged kickstand that folds up to one side and is made in Switzerland. It is a very well made design and has served me well over the years. Parts and accessories for these types of projects can be found at Jenson USA,( click on banner ad at left to shop their site). Hope this review helps with your purchasing of a bicycle trailer. Cheers! 9/3/13 It has been brought to my attention that the two wheeled Croozer Cargo Trailer appears to be replacing the single wheeled nashbar trailer described in this article. Click on the link provided for information or to purchase. Is Very well reviewed. |
Due to the fact that nashbar has discontinued their single wheel bicycle cargo trailers I have a more current article regarding the Top Four Bike Trailers for Touring and Commuting which includes the Aosom Solo Single Wheel Bicycle Cargo Trailer as a budget friendly replacement for the nashbar cargo trailer. Click on the previous underline text to read that article.
![]() Bubby, our shop mascot I appreciate pets and have had some good cats also. Couple years ago the girls wanted a puppy for the house and store so we looked around at the shelters, etc. for a few weeks or more. Then we found Bubby who was just a few months old at the time and we were hoping for a smallish dog which we were convinced at the shelter he wouldn't be larger than thirty pounds. Hmm, well two years later he's a 60 lb. Catahoula who has turned out to be quite a character. Sweet, gentle loving with our two cats and the girls. Recently a down on his luck restaurant worker chose to set up his tent outside our back yard gate and Bubby wasn't putting up with that. When I talked with the guy about his situation he was scared of Bubby describing our dog as some sort of vicious pit bull. Well, he's just a good watch dog now that he's approaching two years old, I just wanted to give our beloved pup a "blog about". When my fiance's father was sick in the hospital just prior to his passing Bubby helped by being his cute, silly and supportive self. He's still here and will be with us for years to come I'm sure, ever watchful of shenanigans, looking out for his girls, kitties and property and enjoying the cute complements from our customers, playfully engaging with workers and sniffing the occasional skirt, doesn't make him bad. Oh ya, he loves bikes. Good Stuff Bubby Cheers!
Bike Commuting Initiative for League City, TXShow your support for Hike and Bike Trails - Make your voice heard!
League City Council will vote on beginning the design of the 2012 Hike and Bike Trails - Phase I at the June 25, 2013 meeting at 6 p.m. Action: 1. Attend the meeting or send an email to Council members before the meeting to voice your support. 2. Pass this information on to others. Proponents in Council Chambers make an impression on Council. Wear your walking shoes, bike helmet, a green shirt. Demonstrate your desire for the trails! For June 25, 2013 agenda, Council will take action to enter into a Professional Service Agreement with AIA Engineers for the design of 2012 Hike and Bike Trials, Phase I. This is an opportunity for Council to support a well planned and managed program for the City. The citizens of League City placed hike and trails as their #2 priority for improving the quality of life for our community. The groundwork for this was laid before 2006. The plans were approved in 2010. The first step to making this a reality is for Council to approve $157,747.69 for AIA Engineers to design the trails creating these new linkages expanding the connectivity of our existing trails and sidewalks. The funds are available to break ground. It is time to move forward from a plan to reality. For more information, visit www.leaguecity.com. For Hike & Bike Phase 1 Presentation and Trails Master Plan look under Department, Parks & Cultural Services, Park Planning, Current Plans. Feel free to contact me, as well. If you plan to speak to Council at the meeting plan to arrive before 6 p.m. to sign in for comment. Sincerely, Vaness Hamilton [email protected] Ditch Walker Parks Board member Vintage Motobecane Touring, Commuter Bike
Classic Puch Bergmeister Touring, Commuter Bike Restored, by Rideon
![]() '98 Dahon Mariner 5 Speed I am so happy with this bike I just wanted give it a "blog about". The folding bicycle market has gained so much popularity creating a niche market for enterprising folks such as Citizen folding bikes, Giant and Bike Friday, just to name a few. Then there's the tried and true Brompton and Dahon who have been the forefathers of folding bicycles. Good ol' Darren Alff of Bicycle Touring Pro has recently decided to tour on his Bike Friday. And why not? "Folders" are an excellent travel bike for bicycle touring and commuting. While visiting Portland, Oregon a friend was riding his "Halfway" made by Giant. The locking mechanism on the frame seemed to be an issue and the company gave him a new bike and had re engineered the quick release style mechanism. Despite this observation I still thought it would be fun to have a folding bike for myself so I finally found a neglected gem, while I wasn't looking for one, of course. A couple years ago my fiance and I were headed home from the local farmer's market when I needed to make a pit stop. While searching for the restroom I discovered this little beauty rusted out and sitting on the porch of the marine supply shop we had stopped at. I inquired about the price to an employee, he went and asked the owner, manager and returned with "forty bucks" and added "we know it's in pretty rough shape". Thing about older Dahon bikes is that any of the proprietary parts are not available to replace, most of the parts such as wheels, chain, etc. are standard. The clamp for the handlebars could not be adjusted any tighter, something a simple shim piece could fix. I cut a piece of thick leather to shape while trying different thicknesses taking into consideration it would compress to shape after awhile and oala! Good enough. At the time, my step daughters hadn't ridden a bike yet, really? They were ten and eleven years old at the time and I felt they might be interested in riding if they were comfortable and confident enough with the bike they were on. So, after half a day of cleaning it up, repacking bearings, etc., even got the shifter to work, new tires, painted the fenders, and added the funky basket (which works very well by the way) those girls were pedaling about the parking lot behind our house having a fabulous time with it. Thanks Dahon, thanks Bay Area Marine. Well, it's my bike again and I sure do enjoy that, think I'll fold it up and take it to see the "in laws" just may need the beer getter basket, it's always nice to be prepared anyway. Have some upgrades in mind for it, that will be another "blog about" Cheers! Nashbar Ragster II Sandals, comfortable, affordable bicycle touring & commuting footwear by Rideon6/18/2013 ![]() I had been shopping for a pair of bike touring sandals for about a year. Riding along the Texas Gulf Coast last summer was when I began pondering the idea due to the heat and humidity of a long ride. Yes, wouldn't it be nice to have some air flow around the tootsies on rides like this, ugh! A year later and much research reading reviews I settled on trying out the Nashbar Sandals. With well over a hundred good reviews and a price at half of what other similar products were wanting it was definitely worth giving the Nashabar Sandals a try. Some reviewers mentioned the need to cut out the rubber in order to access the mounting holes for the cleats and that it was a pain in the proverbial asspragrass. I haven't found any other information regarding this procedure so thought it a fun idea to give it a "blog about." ![]() Firstly a solid utility type of razor blade works well for this like the one shown here and be sure to follow the line around the cleat area. Secondly, keep the other hand out of the cutting path of the blade so not to hurt oneself as the rubber is fairly tough to cut through. ![]() There is some adhesive holding the piece in place so it doesn't "pop out" after the cutting is completed. Pliers work really well for this next part as the adhesive can be quite resilient. I was able to peel a portion of the cut out piece just enough to get a bite on it with the pliers and easily peeled the piece off revealing the cleat mounts. Tah Dah, not bad at all and so far very pleased with the fit and feel though haven't been for a ride with them yet. I feel confident I will like Nashbar's sandals for riding in hot, humid climates and look forward to sharing more about that later this summer. ![]() Origin 8 Classique Cargo available in black, white or silver Porteur bikes have been gaining in popularity over the past years. As folks look to alternative transportation with rising fuel costs and looking to healthier lifestyles. Bicycle commuting is now common place in most major cities. Meeting the demand to provide safe, practical load carrying capacity is something being sought for by active bike commuters. Recently a bike tech. friend in Colorado sent me some photos of a Porteur build he had completed with a picnic basket strapped to the front. So I began researching my own simple Porteur Bike build. I chose the '87 Steel Lugged Fuji Sundance with stem shifters as a good choice for a build theme. As we own and operate an Organic Food Co-op this bike would make a nice display for some of our vendors and suppliers who sell their juices. While looking over some of the choices for a sturdy rack style handlebar basket I considered the Velo Orange Porteur front rack as well as the Portland Design Works Do Anything Take Out Basket. With the simple design for ease of installation I selected the Origin 8 Classique Cargo Unit for less than sixty bucks. ![]() Velo Orange Porteur Front Rack At Left is the Velo Orange Porteur front rack which mounts to the front brake with stays connecting to fork. At the time I was researching my project the best price I found on this model was $145.95 plus shipping and required more hardware to install. One of the reviews I read of the PDW Take Out Basket with Bag described the handlebar clamp attachment as a bit finicky and had a tendency to "swivel down" under pressure from a load. Though it does come with a couple choices in a bag for carrying things, the size was a bit smallish compared to the Origin 8 Cargo Unit. A couple months ago there were no reviews on the Origin 8 Classique Cargo Carrier. I learned that it was rated for 55 Lb. capacity and only required the use of an open plate stem for installation due to the unique integrated handlebar and basket design. ![]() Origin 8 Classique Cargo Unit with 23 lb. watermelon. Origin 8 Classique Cargo Unit tested with 23 pound watermelon is very solid and sturdy. Used Ergo Grips for good grip and solid feel of handling. All in all I like the design of the integrated handlebar and basket for ease of installation with open plate stem, large capacity for carrying heavier loads and sturdy solid handling. Good value for less than $60. ![]() Trusty ol' Dahon Mariner 5 speed I'm sure all of the products discussed work very well for different commuting needs or cyclist's style. I'm using my funky Sunlite Basket with my '98 Dahon Mariner. Worked real well one night while riding with my dog, holding his leash and he decided to go left while I was going straight off a curb. Laid it down pretty hard and the basket stayed on the bike. Cheers! Click on link below for intormation or to Purchase.
![]() DIYBikeRepair comes complete with FREE one-on-one counseling, FREE private discussion forum + lifetime updates. No one else is offering this and clients get the best value with this offer. So if you're wanting to build your own home workshop, want to better understand how your bike works or looking for tips and tricks for performing simple maintenance tasks to keep your bike in good condition check out Dave Delgado's thorough materials. Click on the picture of Dave's shop at the right or link provided below to learn more. Cheers Dave! |
Co-op Garden Fundraising RideBike Tourings' BlogProduct Review Blog for Bike Touring and Commuting Accessories, Components, Equipment and Gear. With many how to and repair tips. Go to my Photography Blog. Or use the search box provided below to search this blog.
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