Niki Rellon's Inspirational Story for Bicycle Touring, Commuting and...

All that having been said what is most notable about her visit with us was her warmth, humour and personable character of deep strength. Although due to work and other previously scheduled obligations I didn't have much of a chance to chat with Niki but Lisa was glowing with enthusiasm at having an opportunity to meet such a strong, courageous woman which of course I'm sure they have a lot in common in that regard. However, Niki did tell me a tid bit of her 2002 bike touring trip from Alaska to Mexico City and her cross country bike tour in 2013. We joked about how some of the folks on warmshowers request three days notice or some sort of tight scheduling because as she agreed when you're bicycle touring it's more of an "will get there when I can, hoping to be there by such and such date and time". It's one of the things I appreciate about bike touring and Niki totally agreed with me by saying to Lisa "people have no idea if they haven't traveled by bike before, there's no hard and fast schedule to keep". Excellent.
Anyhow, Niki's journey continues as she is currently working on her book after having so many folks suggest that she do so. It was nice to hear how much about her life and her new plans on her adventures she had shared with Lisa. We wish Niki great success in all that she aspires to achieve with her life and will most likely succeed in whatever she sets out to accomplish.
For more information about Niki Rellon and her inspiring story use any of the links provided above or simply search her name. Here a couple of links to her facebook and crowdrise pages where you can also take the opportunity to support and aide Niki's pursuit of her dreams. Here are a couple of links for more info.
Niki Rellon Crowdrise Fund Page
Niki Rellon on Facebook