Portable Solar Shower for Bike Touring and Camping

I have very fond memories of my old place in Colorado having grown food that I shared with friends, neighbors and travelers as well as having become a hard core bike commuter. Having lived off grid for three years and commuting on my mountain bike approximately ten miles each way those winters spent on the bike in an early morning or early evening chill weren't as challenging as most folks imagine it was. I have very fond memories of riding my bike through some of the most beautiful winter wonderland scenes that I remember taking a moment to stop on my bike felt a deep inner strength and knowledge that can best be described as gratitude for having the opportunity to experience that moment.
Now that it's spring and folks are gearing up for their bike touring plans it's a good time to mention especially for those not familiar with the bike touring community at warmshowers.org. If you're someone new to the bike touring scene I recommend clicking on the link provided, sign up and you will get an idea of the kind and energetic folks that contribute to Warm Showers providing a community for bike tourists and folks offering a place for you to sleep by providing tent space, a guest bed or couch and a shower. It's one of the best ideas to incorporate into your trip planning as a way to meet and interact with fellow bike touring enthusiasts along the way.
I mention this because while living off grid a warm shower was something I was very grateful to have particularly in the winter. Summers were easy and I often would simply use a Solar Shower which can best be described as a large thick plastic and or rubber five gallon bag that is warmed by the sun then placed off the ground so that a miniature shower head can be used. It worked quite well and I enjoyed bathing under the pine trees.
I have since moved on, Colorado was a place of mixed memories some good, some bad and of course some indifferent. I hope whoever picks up that property continues to offer the same kind hospitable atmosphere I had intended for the place. As I continue with an off grid lifestyle with our dome workshop I am often reminded of some of the old challenges I would face and grateful I don't have to deal with them any longer. Here in League City, TX we offer tent space for bike touring enthusiasts via warmshowers.org as well as being able to provide healthy organic foods from our Natural Living Country Store at shopnaturalliving.com.

Looking for a portable, lightweight and convenient method of getting a quick rinse while bike camping? A new solar shower bag in photo at left comes in a 2.5 gallon capacity, packs small and is lightweight. Very well reviewed item that comes with a one year warranty. Click here for more information or to purchase