It's a good month to be grateful and the month of May has been a particularly good month for me thus far. We had a very nice Mother's Day celebration, been visiting with an old friend and my bikes are ready to ride. Was able to finish the task of spring cleaning at the Natural Living Store and although our Pup ate a few pounds of organic ground beef off the grill we still had a very nice time.
Speaking of spring cleaning I rather enjoy getting our assorted bikes cleaned, lubed and serviced for the months ahead. Although summers are typically very warm and humid here in South Texas I still intend to get some good riding in. With the variety of bike events this month and memories of participating in varying ways over the years I got the urge to create a personal blog for reminiscing on some of those times while moving forward to create more fond memories and began a personal blog "Bike Memoirs" . Please click on that underlined link provided as I would enjoy hearing any comments regarding short bit of content.
Any contribution to our National Bike Folk community is good stuff. Would enjoy hearing how others' have participated in the 2014 National Bike Month. Whatever that is, enjoy.