Dahon Mariner Provides Versatility

Instead of saying something like "oh, I have work to get done and then I planned on going for a ride, you gals go ahead". Because I knew they were in a hurry to leave I didn't feel like getting the car carrier rigged on to the back of the vehicle and delaying their fun. So, I aired up the tires of my Dahon Mariner, put some snacks in my hydration pack, grabbed my handlebar bag with camera equipment, folded the bike up, tossed it in the back of the car and off we went for what turned out to be a very nice time with excellent weather.

Bikes and photography are a fun, rewarding hobby that's our entire family can enjoy. For this reason I decided to keep this folding bike although I had considered selling it a few years ago. However, when I consider how many times I have used this bike for travel when it was inconvenient to load a full size bike onto the outside of our vehicle the bike has more than paid for itself.
I took this bike to Kansas one winter for Christmas deciding that I didn't want my bikes exposed to harsh freezing temperatures, snow and ice. This bike takes up very little room when folded and fit inside our little Scion XB along with luggage for three women, which is saying something if you knew how much these girls pack for a trip.

Folks have been gifting me some note pads the past few years. I don't actually use many of them and so I have a collection of them..I thought the cover of one of those note pads provides a pretty accurate description of riding a folding bike.
Links related to this topic:
Foldable Bike for Travel