Geeze, I really don't know about the hippie comment as I have been exposed to the "hippie lifestyle" and spent some time living what might be described as a Bohemian lifestyle. However, I don't identify with any of that and realized perhaps it's the bike style that says it all. Miles of weathering effect can take it's toll and time and life have a way of showing some wear, which is why I replaced the chain in the first place. Then I considered the "handlebar basket effect". That's what I'm calling it now as it seems to invite commentary from total strangers. Within the past three days one gal said "I love y'all's baskets", she's from Texas and another passerby uttered "I guess that might work if it's big enough". Haha, oh boy, if I put a larger basket than the Sunlite Rattan on my little Dahon it might be like having a bit of bike with the basket.
So when I returned to the shop I decided to put this article together regarding the Sunlite Deluxe Quick Release Rattan Bicycle Basket. I acquired this basket approximately five years ago after my stepfather had purchased it for my mom's cruiser bike. He subsequently knocked the bike over (perhaps after a bit of Scotch) while the basket was on the bike consequently bending the shape of the basket and breaking a small plastic piece in the quick release mechanism. He removed the quick release assembly and offered the basket to me before throwing it out. I was able to repair the quick release with some adhesive and bent the top hoop part of the basket to proper shape so that the handle could be used. I have since then used the basket to tote a considerable amount of weight including a six pack of beer. This basket has also survived two or three other mishaps since including crashing on pavement and having to be bent to shape including the metal bracket where the quick release mounts to the basket.

Links related to this topic include:
Detours Town and Country Handlebar Basket
DIY Handlebar Basket
Porteur Bike Basket Design