During the summer months of mosquito season we use the citronella candles at night outside the tent to help keep the bugs out. Works pretty well considering a friend who has traveled most of the world described the Texas Gulf Coast as the worst mosquito climate he's ever seen. Only problem I have had with the inexpensive nine hour candles is they melt in high temperatures and is reason for the neoprene cocoon case for storage. Though I have found the UCO Pile Storage Sack wrapped with an extra shirt or other spare garment in my pannier to be sufficient to prevent extra candles from melting. Note that the melting only distorts the shape of the candle making it a bit more difficult to install in the lantern some times.
Lucky for us my fiance makes a kick bug butt organic mosquito repellent that is non toxic as well as sweat resistant. Anyhow, during colder months I have been looking at the candle accessories for reading with the top shield and the LED mini lantern attachment for the bottom. Pretty cool fun gadgets that add some charm and warm lighting effect to our bike camping atmosphere. Any of you guys planning a trip with a bike touring woman friend, she would most likely appreciate the ambiance.
Rather than going through the long list of items available for this well reviewed camp item I will just mention the accessories which have peaked my interest. The UCO Pac Flat Reflector for the Original UCO Candle Lantern reflects light down for reading or to direct the light where you want it which is a nice feature if you want to hang the lantern overhead from the center of a larger tent. For that type of situation the UCO LED Upgrade kit for Original Candle Lantern is available for the bottom of the lantern. Also available is the UCO Side Reflector for the Original Candle Lantern nice for setting on a picnic table to light a meal prep area.
Finally, one of the best things about this product is there are repair kits to overhaul or refurbish all parts of the lantern. Link provided below is for list of all items discussed here. Makes an excellent gift, I know I received an additional lantern a couple years ago and really enjoy it.