I loaned a young homeless man a bike for running errands and supposedly apply for jobs which I doubt he did at all. After confronting him he tried to make off with the loaner bike but after a few days my fiance spotted the bike parked in front of a nearby McDonald's without a lock. I promptly walked to where the bike was parked, removed his belongings from the water bottle cages, rode the bike home and locked it up inside my work trailer. This just occurred today and felt it was a good "blog about" for bike locks and I would like to change the subject from trying to help those who only appear to be less fortunate. As I later discovered the guy's mom is a well paid lawyer.
For the most part we are having a very good year. Business is good, everyone's healthy, kids are doing well in school, opportunities to visit with old friends and the bikes are safe. I say this after our girls folding bikes were stolen off our back porch and my old '93 steel frame Scott Mountain Bike was stolen after loaning it to a homeless teenage girl that needed a way to commute to her job at McDonald's. Of all my bikes that one was least expensive and least likely to be stolen. However, she decided to leave the bike outside at work completely unattended all evening while she left in a car with some friends. I suppose any bike just left like that is bound to find an opportune person looking for a steal.
I have read and heard lots of ranting and bashing of bicycle thieves as being some of the lowest forms of vermin or more politely amateur opportunists. An opportunity to protect your bicycle commuter is available from a company called Abus. Abus is a German lock manufacturer with a well established reputation for quality. With a variety of locks specifically designed for bicycles there is sure to be the appropriate lock to suit your individual cycling needs. From very large U Locks priced near $100 to small cable saddle locks and everything in between. I like this model from Abus it is a nice size for bicycle touring as it is light weight and packs well enough not to be an issue for bike travel.
I have provided the button link below so do yourself a favor and get a quality lock to protect that bike that serves you so well on your bike travels.
Note that this is the only bike lock sold by Rivendell Bike Works and as always they do a very nice job of providing information as to why it's the only bike lock they sell.