These bags are not waterproof as I haven't felt the necessity of a waterproof pannier due to the convenient use of adding dry bags of various sizes. Roll top dry bags are nice to have for backpacking as well and not only help to protect items from getting wet in water resistant panniers it also helps to organize stuff
I have been so pleased with the ease of use of the Delta Compact Panniers that I really want to recommend them for anyone looking for a quality bike commuting pannier with a simple design and very good quality. However, if I were looking for a simple good quality bike pannier for commuting I would probably select from the Axiom Panniers. | Finding a set of bike panniers that can easily fit on virtually any bicycle rack for bike touring or commuting can be pretty tough sometimes. Love the world of bike panniers so much and having this type of convenience helps to keep it that way. Photos here display the versatility of easily fixing Delta Compact Panniers to a variety of bike cargo racks. The simple design and ease of fixing on any bike make the Delta Compact Panniers a very desirable option particularly for bike commuting. One reviewer has pointed out that the double stitching on the inside of the bags contribute to the quality of the 600D material of these bags. I can't say that I would recommend these panniers due to the price increase from my time of purchase. The going price of the Delta Compact Panniers at sixty bucks I find to be a bit much considering some of the other options available. Axiom Appalachian is a very nice set of connected panniers for bike commuting at a very economical price. My dad has had nothing but good things to say about these panniers after ten years of service. Within the same price range is the very good quality Axiom Seymour DLX Panniers that are good enough for rigorous bike touring. |