Hmm, now it's fairly obvious to me why I thought of word association given the context as the question alone sounded like "mumbo jumbo" and my answer could have been a long explanation sounding like rigmarole. After further consideration I would sincerely like to thank that person for making such an insulting remark in the form of a question.
Now that it's winter snow bike bunnies everywhere are climbing aboard their lofty fat tire bikes and dashing through the snow without a care in the world, good on 'em as my Texan neighbor would say. I want to be clear that I am not defending my bike build here, in fact I know it has its' own niche as I've ridden on snow and ice plenty and it is loads of fun. Now realizing that my own bike build is a bit unique and would conjure an association with fat bikes I'm flattered. I suppose the style resembles a fat bike with the sweeping handle bars, sturdy steel front rack and pseudo fat tires at a mere 2.35 inch tire diameter.
Now there is no denying that I built this bike "on the cheap" mostly because I was able to without compromising on a quality bike build. By quality I am suggesting the objective view of the term which is a bit more technical than simply reciting what is read in mountain bike magazines or on the internet. Not that it's all "mumbo jumbo" mind you, just to say hey, I found some incredible prices on some new old stock parts that I wouldn't trade for some of today's top of the line components. Perhaps I'm a bit of a retro grouch, but that doesn't really apply here. It's more of a work with what you have where you're at scenario and that' that.
