Top of the Line Products and Information at Bicycle Touring Pro

Today of course bicycle touring and commuting have found resurgence and popularity of both is astounding. A bit more than ten years ago the popularity of steel frame builders found success in a touring market demanding to have its needs met. Business oriented folk without much interest in bicycling itself have even found an interest in what was once mostly considered to be a hobbyist or "for the love of it" type business. No more, with a proliferating production of accessories today and bike folks wanting to do more with their bikes than ever before, the market has opened up for capitalization.
What's the point here other than a itty bitty nut shell history story? Well, the buying options can be overwhelming. Making educated buying decisions by way of understanding what is absolutely necessary and where to compromise on certain components, etc. One does not have to be exceedingly technical or proficient in all the bike jargon to feel confident about their purchases. For bike folk, bike folk to be or bike folk wannabe's who are not familiar with Darren Alff, he is considered to be a leader for "the new generation of bicycle touring". His expertise from years of touring and travel are invaluable in learning about gear, equipment, accessories, etc. This "blog about" is an introduction with links to his informational site.
"Bicycle Touring Pro is the world’s most popular bicycle touring website. With a community of readers in just about every country across the globe, Bicycle Touring Pro is the leading international resource for cycle touring information across the globe. The information you will find there has helped thousands of people just like you plan, prepare for, and execute their very own bicycle touring adventures".
There is so much good stuff available at Bicycle Touring Pro, click on either of the images provided for more information, the dude would not "steer you wrong" so to speak.