Green Drink Supplemented Goat Milk for Biking

Proteins, amino acids, selenium for keeping the immune system strong are all important elements for fueling the body. Problem is most folks aren't getting these essential nutrients from an average American diet. Most of the so called healthy supplements that are full of caffeine and sugars found in many energy drinks are empty of real nutrition.
For the last three years I have been working with Natural Living, a country store and organic food co-op and have been introduced to many beneficial ways of getting proper nutrition. I was first introduced to natural and holistic methods of diet as healing several years ago when I discovered I had a bacterial ulcer. I was drinking cow's milk at that time and a friend helped me figure out why I was having so much stomach pain by referencing an indispensable reference book Prescription for Nutritional Healing.
I was talking to one of the Store's customers about this and she suggested I try Goat's milk, so I went about researching the health benefits. What I found is quite amazing. Not only does Goat Milk provide the proteins, amino acids, selenium, B12 and potassium I was looking for, it's also good for different types of inflammation and is anti mucous forming. Not only is goat milk extremely nutrient dense, it has been used to nourish and regenerate an over taxed nervous system and provides good bacteria. So, if you've had a day of nerve racking bike commuter traffic, grab a glass of goat's milk and relax a bit to aid your bodies recovery.
What's even better is adding a tablespoon of a "green drink" powder supplement like these from Amazing Grass Super food. One of the reasons I like that company's line of products are the various formulas for men, women, kids, joint pain, etc. There are so many health benefits from getting the nutrients our bodies crave from this form of supplement, one of which is absorption. Whereas there was the debate of vitamins being passed through the body without proper absorption so as to say it was a waste of time to take vitamin supplements. With this form of supplement the body absorbs the rich nutrients readily and effectively. An excellent way to stay strong, healthy, keep from bonking and maintain a strong immune system. Another benefit of this type of supplement is for bicycle touring when you want to pack something light weight that doesn't take up a lot of space in your panniers. With this you can pack the green powder however you want, zip lock bag for example and add a tea spoon or table spoon to a full water bottle to fuel those bike adventures.
A quick search provides lots of information about goat's milk, we get our milk from a local free range goat farm at Proverbs Farms. Visit their wonderful family owned site for more information.
For some fun energy bar recipes that are convenient to snack on and fuel bike touring adventures visit the Natural Living site for free recipes.