"Well, here it is. The bike book for the average Joe and Jane who doesn't know squat about bike repair or maintenance. 40 pages of instructions and tips written with the novice in mind, you won't lose yourself in technical terms with this one and I have added some detailed images to help you along.
This book is my first written document following 16 years of experience as a rogue bike mechanic and 3 years of publishing my knowledge of bike care on the web at howtofixbikes.ca.
Download the pdf for free right now and feed on my experience. Yeah, you read it right, free! Print it, use it. You're only invited to make a donation of the amount of your choice".

A fun gift idea, for the family bike enthusiast.
Here'slink for free download when file opens simply click on arrow in upper right to download or icon to left of arrow to share.
The Indispensable Bicyclist's Handbook by Henry Sturmey from 1887 is a fun read. Even though most of the technology of today's bikes is of course antiquated many of the principles and ideas remain the same. Seeing and recognizing the timelessness of a bicycle makes this book very interesting.
Click on cover photo at left of here's alink for free download. Click on arrow in upper right to download after file opens. This is a large file 17 mb so once it is done loading indicated by blue bar on bottom of screen then download or use the icon to left of arrow to share.
An 1890 classic with a chapter on bicycle touring discussed touring on a Safety Bicycle with instructions on how to attach and load panniers at that time period which was written in 1890. Fun and inspiring for appreciating the ease of use for today's advancements in bicycle commuting and touring accessories.
Here is a link for free download in PDF format or click on cover photo at left.