Disc Brake; Easy Stopping Power for Loaded Bicycle Touring

At the end of the day after a few days of trail riding with lots of switch backing descents which required considerable repeated brake lever action, I developed some very painful "tennis elbow".
After years of refining and development today's bicycle disc brake systems are here to stay providing smooth, efficient stopping power.
Particularly with hydraulic brake systems, modulation has improved with both feel and function as opposed to some of the earlier systems which were very touchy and delivered too much stopping power. Personally, I didn't particularly enjoy bleeding the brakes systems on our rental fleet and having to wear rubber gloves while handling DOT4 brake fluid. When we would get new bikes in for the rental fleet I was so happy to see Avid mechanical disc brakes knowing how easy they are to maintain or install.
Here is a short list of other reasons I prefer mechanical disc brakes and am pleased with seeing them on the new touring bikes. While pedaling a loaded touring bike the new power and control offered by a disc brake system is of obvious benefit. Feeling confident about knowing you can stop while on a steep downgrade or descent while carrying what feels to some folks like an uncontrollable mass of weight on a loaded touring bike simply provides more joy and pleasure for the ride. So, when I went about piecing together our most recent mountain touring bike build I chose disc brake for the obvious reason safety. I chose mechanical over hydraulic because it's less expensive, easier to maintain, easier if even necessary to repair while trail riding or long distance touring and when paired with the Avid Speed Dial levers there provides other modulation adjustments.
I have found the very best price on this brake system and wanted to share the information with you lovely folks.
So if you're interested in getting what is considered by many to be the best mechanical disc brake set for bicycle touring and commuting on the market I have provided the link for customer review information and reviews.
Enjoy the stopping power and control.

To avoid excessive pad wear and for better brake lever modulation and feel be sure to use Speed Dial Levers. Inexpensive for a mid range lever but the improved performance with BB7 calipers is well worth the modest investment.