Samsung Chromebook and Protective Shell for Travel

Also, I let the gals working at our weekend farmer's market and organic food co op who need a computer with wi fi to process purchases and such, not only do they like the simplicity using the Chromebook but one of the gals dropped it on the concrete floor and the protective shell did it's job in protecting any damage occurring to the Chromebook. In the past four months since purchasing our Samsung Chromebook we have used it a lot and have absolutely no regrets about our purchase and love how this keyboard feels while typing.
Visit PC World's Magazine for an excellent article on how to use a Chromebook offline. Excellent information.

That gave me the idea of using a Chromebook for bike touring trips where we need to stay in touch with our business while we pedal the countryside. This review is not intended to cover all the potential usages of this nifty little computer but to share how it can be used while bike touring and the main concern is having the ability to share photos.
In a nutshell a Chromebook uses the Google Chrome browser as its' operating system, so essentially it is not an operating system it's a browser based netbook that connects to the user's gmail account and other gmail account applications such as Google Drive, Google Plus Photos and the like.
While this requires internet access there are some very functional features for offline photo editing and document editing. One of the Chromebook forums had an exhaustive list of question and answer sessions with folks very upset and angry about their Chromebook not being able detect their camera once they plugged in the USB cable to transfer photos. I didn't have this problem, so let me add that I am writing this blog article with the Chromebook. Not only that I was able to edit the photo for this article offline with the Pixlr Touch Up app. I was able to rotate and resize the image for use on my blog as well as altering the image quality for faster page loading time. As I had several other photos I will edit and tweak for blog usage later they are all safely stored on my Google Drive. This makes for ease of access should I ever want to sort through my older blog article photos and want to share them while traveling as I can access them from any computer. Of course another benefit is that I don't have to worry about my photos being lost if I were to have a minor mishap with my Chromebook and lose everything on a hard drive because there isn't one.
That's right there is no hard drive instead when you purchase a Chromebook customer's receive 100 GB of storage for their Google Drive associated with their email account. Depending on how many photos you enjoy taking while bike touring this is a viable option for most folks. Also considering you can access your Flickr account with Pixlr Editor App Flickr's whopping 1 Terabyte of storage is plenty for storing massive amounts of photos. Point being made here is that there are plenty of easy work around solutions for a browser based computer for blogging, emailing, sharing photos and bike travel.
I purchased the Samsung Chromebook as I really like the feel of the keyboard, it is very light weight at less than three pounds, has a battery which lasts approximately eight hours and is quick to recharge. At a price of $249 I'm not worried about the Chromebook being damaged compared to say toting a Mac Air Book around.
So far I am enjoying the simplicity of this product particularly when considering the potential uses for bike touring. For bike commuting when I want to go work at the coffee shop for a change of scenery this Chromebook from Samsung feels in no way burdensome.
Although this product is in no way meant to replace a full usage laptop for all business purposes it is providing a very affordable option for many folks looking for a convenient economical method of staying in touch with friends and family while traveling, such as bike touring. Cheers!
Besides having a good amount of storage space on google drive, photos that don't exceed 2048 x 2048 pixels can be stored for free with Google Photos, I didn't know that and I'm sure glad I wrote this post. Here's a link to a good article on using Google Photos.
Here's a good review of Chromebooks from Tech Republic where there are links to other quality reviews of the Chromebook
| Received my iPearl mCover Hard Shell Case for the 11.6" Samsung Chromebook and I really like it. Some reviewers complain about the fingerprint smudges on the surface which for me is not an issue I was looking for something to protect the little Chromebook while bike touring, commuting and camping. Snapped right on with little adjustable plastic pegs that provides a more ergonomic angle for typing. Very nice. |