We had been looking to replace an older worn out rack trunk bag and decided to try a handlebar bag instead. We were also looking for a bag that could be used for everyday and any time of day or night bike commuting. This meant having a handlebar bag that would mount beneath the front light for night time commuting.
W e have found that most bags and baskets prevent the front light's ability to provide ample lighting for seeing on dark unlit roads. This is frequently due to quick release mechanisms mounting brackets placing the bag or basket at an awkward height above the handlebar for proper front light use. Having the convenience of a quick release mounting system is very popular among many bike commuters for good reason. Being able to easily remove the bag to prevent theft or simply being able to have the items with one's person while at work or running errands. After much research and trying different bag options we decided on axiom's Atlas Handlebar Bag for its cargo capacity and versatility.

With its' 323 cu. in. cargo capacity, removable shoulder strap and ability to easily remove the bag from the handlebars we found a winner with Axiom's Atlas model and it also happens to look good. It turned out to have more cargo space than we had anticipated and realized it is very useful for our over night bike camping outings as well. We can fit our C Crane Solar Observer Radio and charge our small devices while riding, pretty cool. Bungee type chord wraps around the head tube of the bike if needed to prevent the bag from bouncing around too much during casual trail rides and off road bike touring conditions. Some other models we considered didn't have the protective fabric covering the zippers nor did they include a rain cover for the same price or more. We like to treat our bags when they are new with Kiwi Camp Dry for added water resistance, something I like to mention as I don't see many bike folks including it as an inexpensive way of adding water proofing to bags and panniers.
Of course, we like the axiom guarantee should there be any defects with the product.
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