Welcome to Bike Tourings, Bicycle Touring and Bike Commuter Information

Bike Touring and Bike Packing options abound.
Bicycle Touring defines a particular mode of bike travel which has nothing to do with racing. There are of course exceptions to this rule as in the example of extreme expedition style mountain bike trekking or endurance bike packing. But for most folks bike touring and the bicycles most preferred for touring have a more laid back casual style.
A bike commuter can relate to bicycle touring as the two modes of bike travel share many riding techniques, accessories and similar quality components. In a sense it is nature and nurture, rather than the extreme nature versus nurture. Many bike commuters want to get to work safely, efficiently and typically without arriving in an uncomfortable soaking of perspiration from an intense sweaty workout. Navigating traffic with ability to see and be seen is of utmost importance to avoid mishaps and the more leisurely yet efficiently this can be accomplished the better. Bike touring is a bit different in this respect where some stealth camping or other such circumstance has less regard for the being seen mode as the bike commuter. Most bike touring trips seek to roll along scenic routes or wilderness treks with beautiful surroundings and when self supported are mostly getaways of intimate solitude and quiet retreat without the hectic noise of traffic so prevalent to a bike commuter.
Bike tourings' niche in cycling is about sightseeing, photography, camping and the like which helps to define an aspect of cycling which although isn't about racing, bicycle touring and commuting help keep a person fit and healthy while pursuing and enjoying other interests with a bike. Personally, this approach to riding a bike as defined here has paved the way for a method of wholeness and contributes in large part to a serene sense of belonging. I ride a bike because I want to not because I have to. I know it's an effective means of challenging myself as I keep fit and experience joy along the way. Riding a bike is as individually unique and rewarding as the folks who have found their own authenticity and who along the way found some value in pedaling their bicycle. My favorite customers and co workers could best be described as just good old bike folks.
As a graduate of United Bike Institute in Oregon I have much experience working with bikes. I've managed bike shops in Colorado and New Mexico with experience in custom bike builds, fit and knowledge about how to get the most from your bike for bicycle touring and commuting. I enjoy working with bikes, riding bikes and continue to do so on a part time basis. As an active member of Warm Showers a community for touring cyclists and hosts, and the League of American Bicyclists at www.bikeleague.org I enjoy meeting and supporting fellow bike touring enthusiasts. The two images below are intended to be an aide for first time bike buyers wanting to know what to look for when purchasing a bicycle for their intended purpose. It is interesting to note that we conducted a survey of the types of bikes most preferred for bicycle commuting and most folks preferred one of two bikes, either a mountain bike or a traditional touring bike are being voted as the most popular choices. Bikes shown here were designed and built in our workshop.
As a graduate of United Bike Institute in Oregon I have much experience working with bikes. I've managed bike shops in Colorado and New Mexico with experience in custom bike builds, fit and knowledge about how to get the most from your bike for bicycle touring and commuting. I enjoy working with bikes, riding bikes and continue to do so on a part time basis. As an active member of Warm Showers a community for touring cyclists and hosts, and the League of American Bicyclists at www.bikeleague.org I enjoy meeting and supporting fellow bike touring enthusiasts. The two images below are intended to be an aide for first time bike buyers wanting to know what to look for when purchasing a bicycle for their intended purpose. It is interesting to note that we conducted a survey of the types of bikes most preferred for bicycle commuting and most folks preferred one of two bikes, either a mountain bike or a traditional touring bike are being voted as the most popular choices. Bikes shown here were designed and built in our workshop.
Bike Tourings' Information, Resources and Products for bicycle touring and commuting

Several resources are available at the Bike Touring Resources Page. Download free ebooks for basic to advanced information on selecting a touring bike, bike commuter information including bike fit, saddle selection and more. There's also valuable information to help a person prepare for a bike tour whether solo or supported including bike repair, training and fitness guidelines. For those interested in bike touring or bike packing a basic understanding of bicycle repair or maintenance is of obvious benefit, particularly those interested in self supported or solo bike touring. For suggestions of quality accessories and components check out the Bike Touring Products Page with links for some of the best prices on top quality products. Also visit Bike Tourings' blog for product reviews, how to articles, repair tips and more.
Shop Bike Tourings' Store for items I currently use or have used in the past that I consider to be of good quality, affordable and often times free shipping. Most, if not all items at our Store are to help with your bike touring and bike commuter equipment needs.
Also of note is Bike Tourings workshop going off grid courtesy of Pacific Domes. For more information read blog article here.
New for 2016 is our Bike Tourings' Photography Site and photography page where we not only promote sales of our bike related photos but share information for folks interested in incorporating photography with their bike travels.
Hope you enjoy Bike Tourings as much as we do and we Thank You for visiting our site.
Shop Bike Tourings' Store for items I currently use or have used in the past that I consider to be of good quality, affordable and often times free shipping. Most, if not all items at our Store are to help with your bike touring and bike commuter equipment needs.
Also of note is Bike Tourings workshop going off grid courtesy of Pacific Domes. For more information read blog article here.
New for 2016 is our Bike Tourings' Photography Site and photography page where we not only promote sales of our bike related photos but share information for folks interested in incorporating photography with their bike travels.
Hope you enjoy Bike Tourings as much as we do and we Thank You for visiting our site.
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